Wednesday 15 June 2022

ATTI Special Group General Assembly held virtually on 7 June 2022

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The 2022 ATTI (Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspection) General Assembly was held online on 7 June and chaired by Stefan Zebracki of DB Cargo.

Stefan Zebracki welcomed the audience and highlighted the increased number of participants and the very positive feedback from the first “ATTI Morning”, previously organised during the year.

Roberto Mele (European Agency for Railways) delivered a presentation on the ATTI and EU legislation, “How they fit together?” He mentioned ATTI as a way to control some operational risks and a means by which railway undertakings (RUs) can demonstrate how they take forward the requirements in the SMS (Safety Management System).

Sven Seligmann (DB Cargo), Chair of the Operation Study Group, gave a presentation on IRS 40474, which covers the procedures for the accelerated transfer of freight trains, explaining the content and substance of the IRS. He pointed out that the ATTI is an integral part of efficient handover procedures.

Paulo de Freitas, UIC Senior Freight Advisor, presented the new ATTI RUs and highlighted the increasing ATTI RU membership, reporting the current number of 166 members since the last General Assembly.

Then, five proposals were put forward, voted and approved:

  • First proposal by Stefan Zebracki on the ATTI strategy development for the next 1-3 and 5 years, in the fields of goal definition, work organisation, indicator system, marketing and lobbying. He stressed the work on interoperability and the promotion of cooperation within the ATTI.
  • Second proposal by Thomas Dangl (Rail Cargo Austria) on the adoption of the Quality Guidelines and the Amendment of Quality Guidelines, Appendix 2. He presented the various features of the irregularities report and the explanation of the field contents.
  • Third proposal by Jean Marc Blondé (SBB Cargo) on the further development and adaptation of the database. He gave an overview of the QMS Database and ATTI obligations and communications.
  • Fifth proposal by Paulo de Freitas on the update of the ATTI agreement. He outlined the modifications to ensure compliance with the GDPR.
  • Sixth proposal by Dirk Euler (DB Cargo) on the Risk Assessment for the ATTI concept – integration of service providers. He proposed that the submission of the risk assessment for ATTI be integrated into the 2022 budget.

The fourth proposal on the adoption of internal regulations item 8.5 will be voted on at the next General Assembly.

Paulo de Freitas presented the 2021 final account, the provisional budget for 2022 and the outlook for 2023.

Stefan Zebracki asked participants to complete the online feedback survey on this assembly. He gave the first results, which revealed a high level of satisfaction.

The next General Assembly will be held on 13 June 2023 and another “ATTI Morning” should be held at the end of the year.

For further information, please send an email to atti at
or contact Paulo de Freitas, UIC Senior Freight Advisor, at freitas at

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