The EU-funded H2020 project PROACTIVE led by the UIC Security Division held its ninth consortium progress meeting as a hybrid event, both online and in-person in Brussels, on 27 – 28 September 2021.
The 15 consortium partners reported on work completed to date, including the preparations of the field exercises and the results from the Horizon Boosters Exploitation workshops.
Partners also exchanged on the ongoing tasks and discussed the project activities, including ways in which to better engage with the two advisory boards were brainstormed, the launch of the PROACTIVE Mobile App, and the progress made so far as regards the upcoming (April 2022) Dortmund field exercise.
A special thanks to SNCB for welcoming us at their offices in Brussels.
The next progress meeting will be organised in February 2022, most likely as physical meeting in Lancaster, UK, if the health context will allow it.
PROACTIVE can be followed on Twitter (@PROACTIVE_EU) as well as on LinkedIn ( and the project website