Thursday 2 November 2023

RAIL4CITIES at the UIC Station Days in Paris

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The RAIL4CITIES project took centre stage on 20 September 2023 in Paris, during the UIC Station Days, with a presentation by Alice Lunardon from BABLE Smart Cities. This is an initiative which has set its sights on transforming the very essence of railway stations, making them epicentres of sustainability and urban renewal.

Lunardon commenced her presentation by introducing the “Sustainable City Developer” (SCP) concept. This visionary idea highlights the untapped potential hidden within the heart of our cities - railway stations. Often perceived as mere transit hubs, stations are poised to become catalysts for advanced engineering solutions that can safeguard our environment by promoting resource reuse and recycling.

In essence, railway stations can be developed into vibrant urban centres, effectively blending socially inclusive services, local amenities, and green mobility solutions to cater to the diverse needs of citizens in their daily lives.

The RAIL4CITIES project has three key objectives:

1. Establishing railway stations as vital urban centres
This ambitious goal seeks to position railway stations as the epicentres of sustainable urban development. By fostering “circular” and resilient infrastructure, these stations will have a significant contribution to the growth of sustainable cities.

2. Developing an EU-wide model
RAIL4CITIES aims to create a comprehensive model, methodology, and practical tools that can be employed across the European Union. This holistic approach ensures the effective and sustainable implementation of the project’s core concepts within railway stations.

3. Activating and promoting ecosystems
The project acknowledges that successful transformation cannot occur in isolation. To this end, it seeks to act as a catalyser for a collaborative ecosystem, fostering synergies across different investments. Through this joint effort, the project aspires to actively promote and develop the results achieved.

The RAIL4CITIES project represents change within the realm of urban development, by redefining the role of railway stations and incorporating sustainable and resilient ideals, in order to pave the way for greener, more inclusive, and socially vibrant urban centres.

Follow the RAIL4CITIES project on Twitter @RAIL4CITIES, LinkedIn, and via its website at

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the Europe’s Rail JU. Neither the European Union nor the Europe’s Rail JU can be held responsible for them.

For further information please contact Cécile Gendrot at gendrot at

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