Wednesday 14 June 2023

Register now: “New tickets for new behaviours” workshop

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The UIC CEMP (Customer Experience Platform) is hosting a webinar online, from 9:30 to 13:00 CET, together with the Commuter and Regional Trains Services Sector on 16 June 2023. The workshop aim is to learn from different experts and exchange ideas about the new trends and challenges regarding new tickets for new behaviours.

The railway industry is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of modern travellers. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic created new challenges and opportunities for railways, as remote working has become more prevalent, and many people are no longer commuting daily. Railway companies are seeking ways to adapt their services to meet the changing needs of customers, and one way this is being achieved is by offering new types of tickets and fares.

In response to remote working, part-time or more flexible season tickets or pay-as-you-go tickets have emerged as a cost-effective option for remote workers who only need to commute to the office a few times per week. Additionally, operators have also had to adapt and make their commuter and regional train services more flexible in order to attract new customers, whether for business or leisure.

In short, new tickets and fares are an important way for railways to adapt to changing customer behaviours and expectations. By offering a range of ticket options, railways can meet the needs of a diverse range of customers and ensure that their services remain needed and valuable in a changing working environment and rapidly evolving marked.

Registration is open, alongside the agenda being available to see, at


Welcome. Vanessa Pérez Miranda, Senior Advisor, UIC Passenger Department

First session

  • DSB’s flexible commuter card, Magnus Jansen, Head of International Affairs, DSB, Denmark
  • New product: Flexabo, Patrick Ledoux, Market Manager for Commuter Traffic, SCNB, Belgium
  • Demand management and dynamic pricing, Andrike Mastebroek, Senior Pricing Consultant, and Noor van den Hurk, product owner Pricing & Revenue management’, NS, The Netherlands
  • CFL’s tariff structure in 1st class, Jérôme Weyrich, Fares Advisor, CFL, Luxemburg
  • Cheap, simple, the new 2in1 pass in Hungary, Ágnes Orosz, International Relations Expert, MAV START, Hungary

Moderated by Joaquin Botella, Chief Technical Engineer – Railways, Sener

  • New tariffs for new behaviours in Italy, Federica Follesa, Head of PSO (Public Service Obligation) Contracts, Fares, Terms and Conditions for the Regional Business Department, Trenitalia, Italy
  • More flexibility for higher customer satisfaction and higher revenues, Stefan Germann, Head of Analysis and Revenue Protection, SBB, Switzerland
  • Deutschland-Ticket – one country, one product, Roland Schmidt , Senior Pricing Expert on tariffs and PRR, DB, Germany

Moderated by Joaquin Botella, Chief Technical Engineer – Railways, Sener

Fireside chat with the UIC Customer Experience and Commuter and Regional Train Services Chairs

  • Jörg Ostwald, UIC Customer Experience Platform Chair
  • Federica Follesa, UIC Commuter and Regional Train Services Chair

Closing Remarks

Jörg Ostwald, Head of Product, Services and Events, SBB and CEMP Chair

For more information about CEMP (Customer Experience)
and CRTS (Commuter and Regional Train Services)

please contact Vanessa Perez at perez at

For further information, please contact Vanessa Perez at perez at

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